The Golem and the Jinni : REVIEW


Honestly folks, I tried.  I tried to find something about this book not to like.  I didn’t do that to be a negative prig, but because I found myself simply liking this book too much.  From the beautiful prose, to the captivating story and adventures, this book absolutely blew me away.  I adored every minute of it.  I will read it again.  I will get my kids to read it.  My friends will come to resent me because of my constant badgering of them to read this damn book!

I found it remarkable, that while reading a book of this size, I never became bored.  I never longed for a paragraph or chapter would come to its tiresome conclusion.  This is a credit to the writing style of Helene Wecker.  She is simply wonderful.  The story she tells is simply wonderful.  A perfect blend of fantasy, involving a golem and a jinni, and real life issues told in a setting of New York City during the turn of the 20th century.  The story tells of love, religious doubt, diversity, morality, and struggles of life.

I am not sure if Helene Wecker reaped any literary accolades for her work on The Golem and Jinni, but I can honestly say that if she continues to write like this, she certainly will soon enough. 

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