The Atlantis Gene : REVIEW


More please, and thank you! What a first novel by A.G. Riddle. This book wholly captured my imagination and engaged my senses like a great story should. Will The Atlantis Gene be known for its elegant prose? Probably not. However, it is the writing and pacing of the story that draws you in to the story. Well, that and breathtaking action sequences, alien technology, Nazi’s, twists, turns, love, portals, etc. Let’s just say my Kindle Paperwhite got one hell of a workout. I found it difficult to put the story down, wondering all the while, what was around the next corner.

It is reasonably difficult to place this book in to a particular genre, but I would best describe it as a Sci-Fi with a touch of suspense, and a pinch of mystery. I believe Amazon labeled it a Sci-Fi Soap Opera. That makes me think, Alien meets Days of our Lives, but I digress. My only criticism would be the amount of characters used in the story. At times I found myself saying, “who…wait, what?” However, this was not enough to deter me from me from the pure delight of the read. The science came across as very believable, and the character development, while lacking some needed depth, was enough to prod the story along to keep the pages turning.

In researching more about Mr. Riddle, I found it to be very impressive that he self published this book, and has done all the promotional work himself. Well done, sir. I am looking forward to reading book number two in this series, and picking up any future thrillers that Riddle pens.

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